Gavin Watts

Dr. Gavin Watts is an Assistant Professor of Special Education in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University – San Antonio (A&M-SA). He has been a member of the faculty at A&M-SA since 2018 and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Classroom Behavior Management, Emotional-Behavioral Disorders, and Advanced Behavior Analysis/Interventions, among others. Dr. Watts received his B.S. in Special Education from Illinois State University, his M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and obtained his Ph.D. in Emotional-Behavioral Disorders (EBD)/Early Childhood Special Education at The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to entering higher education, he was a special education teacher in classrooms ranging from early childhood (3-5 years) through middle school, in public schools around Chicago.

Dr. Watts's current areas of research include training and supervising students with EBD as cross-age tutors for promoting skills in academics, behavior, and social-emotional domains. He is interested in exploring and developing no/low-cost behavioral interventions for students with disabilities and evidence-based practices for supporting students with disabilities, as well as first-generation college students, in higher education settings. He is the former editor of the Texas Education Review.

Dr. Watts is also a co-principle investigator on a $2.1 million grant from the Department of Education to develop a post-secondary education program for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Transition University for Career Advancement and Successful Adulthood (TU CASA) program opened its doors at A&M-SA and welcomed its first cohort of students with intellectual disabilities in support of their pursuit of higher education and competitive employment. 

Gavin Watts

College Of Education And Human Development

Department of Educator and Leadership Preparation

Assistant Professor

Madla 269
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Course Teachings

EDSE 5326 600 Behav Aspcts of Clss Org & Mgt Spring 2024 Syllabus
EDSE 3347 001 Behavior Mgmt Exceptional Indv Spring 2024 Syllabus