Version 2.5
Developer(s): Joey Gonzales, Kevin Hernandez, Julian Spindola, Liliana Martinez
Date: 12 March 2025
- Created a new user role, “Viewer,” that can view various statistics and reports relating to faculty.
- Added a link titled, “Give Feedback,” where users can submit feedback, suggestions, or issues they may encounter.
- Made internal improvements to error logging and session validation.
- Updated all libraries and plug-ins to their latest version.
- Enhanced responsiveness and user experience site wide.
- Removed duplicate and unused departments for added site consistency.
- Strengthened text input validation and file type validation to forms sitewide.
- Improved security for the roles within the application.
Version 2.4
Developer(s): Jose Gonzales, Kevin Hernandez, Julian Spindola
Date: 04 December 2024
- Strengthened file type validation when uploading syllabi, profile pictures, and CVs.
- Updated icons of tile and navigation buttons sitewide.
- Updated footer styling and links to match the main website's footer.
- Updated styling of buttons on stats pages to match the site's theme.
- Updated placeholder text on the faculty's “add form” for added clarity.
- Improved mobile user experience sitewide.
- When creating or editing a faculty profile, phone numbers, locations, and titles are no longer required fields to improve user experience.
- Introduced a feature that allows users to seamlessly create a new faculty profile immediately after completing the creation of the previous one.
- Strengthened session validation sitewide.
- Resolved issue where on faculty syllabus upload, the "Save Changes" button would be enabled despite proper conditions not being met.
- Fixed responsiveness of faculty profile pages sitewide.
- Resolved issue where uploaded syllabi with apostrophes caused an error on upload.
- Corrected auto-logout logic so that it is now active on the correct pages.
Version 2.3
Developer(s): Jose Gonzales, Fernando Estrada, Joshua Ibrom, Liliana Martinez, Kevin Hernandez, Julian Spindola
Date: 19 August 2024
- Ensured error screen is shown when there is a failure in uploading syllabi.
- CV upload times are now tracked with a timestamp in the database.
- Error screen is now shown when there is a failure in uploading a CV.
- Syllabi may now be deleted.
- CVs may now be deleted.
- Syllabi upload times are now tracked with a timestamp in the database.
- Ensured proper error logging of unsuccessful CV and syllabi uploads.
- Adding terms now creates a new directory for that term.
- Department Faculty Listing page now has a better message for when there are no faculty in a listing.
- Fixed bug with improper status code returned for some pages.
- Ensured proper data flow from source to sink.
- Verified auto-logout script functionality.
- Added page to view syllabi upload statistics.
- Added a dynamic report of syllabi not uploaded.
Version 2.2
Developer(s): Joshua Ibrom, Jose Gonzales
Date: 15 May 2024
- Fixed responsiveness of public Course Information data table.
- Fixed alignment of profiles on Deparment Faculty Listing page.
- Error handling and display improved for non-existent or invalid faculty profiles.
- "Choose File" buttons are now consistent across the application for syllabi upload buttons.
- Session variables are now used in place of GET request parameters for some pages.
- Added another database connection.
- Added "Department" filter to All Faculty admin page.
- Logging file sizes checked.
- Added security patch to application.
Admin home page edited to remove extraneous or redundant text and to enhance flexibility / user
Dropdowns / filters for public Course Information table have had blank / breaking options removed or
- Input validation improved / added for all forms.
- Issues loading profile pictures on some profiles have been resolved.
- Extracted / moved various methods and markups to their own files.
Version 2.1
Developer(s): Joshua Ibrom
Date: 13 March 2024
- Removed use of external libraries. All library files are now local.
- Added form validation to faculty-related forms.
- Added application version to site header along with link to this changelog.
- Removed extraneous console logging statements.
- "Past Term" combo box now displays the currently-selected Past Term on public site, if present.
- Added security patch to application.
- Faculty listed on Department Faculty Listing page now sorted by last then first name.
- Created "Department Admins" page to list all department administrators.
- Removed " - Prod" from welcome message in site header for production website.
Version 2.0
Developer(s): Jose Gonzales, Fernando Estrada, Liliana Martinez
Date: 07 December 2023