Ruby Daniels


Receipent of Texas A&M - San Antonio's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2022, Dr. Daniels is an extensively published marketing, communication, and research professional with more than 25 years experience teaching face-to-face and online business courses to working adults in higher education. She is one of the university's inagural Quantitative Reasoning Research Fellows as well as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Nursing Management and the Journal of Leadership Studies. An international business consultant, Dr. Daniels has worked with organizations such as the Dubai Health Authority, AT&T, UnitedHealth Group, and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.


Year Name of the award
2023 Outstanding Service Award - Department of Management & Marketing, College of Business, Texas A&M University San Antonio
2022 Distinguished Teaching Award - Texas A&M University San Antonio
2022 Inspirational Teaching Award - Department of Management & Marketing, College of Business, Texas A&M University San Antonio
2021 Quantitative Reasoning Research Fellow - Texas A&M University San Antonio
2017 Research Fellow, Center for Behavioral Health Research - A mixed method study of an evidence-based music protocol for hospice social workers
2013 Office of Scholarship Support Grant Receipent - EduTrainment: A quantitative analysis of APA competency and self-efficacy
2009 National Research Center Grant Recepient - Crisis communication: A mixed method study of supervisor leadership and employee performance during the 2008-2009 financial crisis
2007 Faculty Member of the Year 

Teaching Summary

Year Rank Company/Institute/University
2019-Present Instructional Assistant Professor Texas A&M University - San Antonio
2016-2022 Adjunct Faculty & Curriculum Developer University of Oklahoma
2018-2019 Adjunct Faculty & Curriculum Developer Grace Christian University
2017-2019 Adjunct Faculty Strayer University
2005-2017 Associate Faculty & Certified Advanced Facilitator University of Phoenix - School of Advanced Studies
1988-1989 Instructor & Graduate Student Supervisor University of Connecticut
1987-1988 Instructor St. Mary's University
1985-1987 Instructor University of Texas - San Antonio
1987 Instructor San Antonio College
1983-1984 Instructor University of Houston
  • Daniels, R. A., Knowles, K. A., Naasz, E., & Lindner, A. (2023). Focused on pedagogy: QR grading rubrics for written arguments. Numeracy, 16(1), Article 4.

  • Daniels, R. A., & Knowles, K. A. (2022). Let all voices be heard: Creating and engaging and inclusive asynchronous QR classroom. Numeracy, 15(2), Article 3.  

  • Daniels, R. A., Miller, L. A., Mian, M. Z., & Black, S. (2022). One size does not fit all: Understanding differences in perceived organizational support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Business and Society Review, 1-30.
  • Miller, L. A., & Daniels, R. A. (2022). Psychological assessment and testing. In J. Zumback, D. A. Bernstein, S. Narciss, & G. Marsico (Eds.), International handbook of psychology learning and teaching (pp. 1 - 34). Springer International Handbooks of Education. 
  • Daniels, R. A., Pemble, S., Allen, D., Lain, G., & Miller, L. A. (2021). LinkedIn blunders: A mixed method study of college students’ profiles. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 

  • Daniels, R. A., & Dempsey, M. (2021). Leveraging LinkedIn: How can educators help college students market themselves? Community College Journal of Research and Practice.
  • Daniels, R. A., Torres, D., & Reeser, C. (2016). Where words fail, music speaks: A mixed method study of an evidence-based music protocol for hospice social workers. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 1-17. 
  • Wilson, C., Sour, A. J., Miller, L. A., Saygbay-Hallie, M., Miller, C., & Daniels, R. A. (2016). A standardized tool for measuring military friendliness of colleges and universities. SAGE Open, 6(2)1-13.  

  • Rouse, R. A., & Al-Maqbali, M. (2014). Identifying nurse managers’ essential communication skills: An analysis of nurses’ perceptions in Oman. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(2), 192-200. 

  • Flores, J., Rouse, R., & Schuttler, R. (2011, March/April). Red, yellow, green: Which kind of leader are you? Nonprofit World, 29(2), 16-17.

  • Taylor, T. R., Rouse, R., & Schuttler, R. (2011, March/April). Communication benchmarking: The secret to maximizing employee performance during the financial crisis. Michigan Community Banker, (4), 6-7. 
  • Rouse, R. A. (2010). The red zone: Analyzing and assessing hospital leaders’ communication. In R. S. Schuttler (Ed.), Laws of communication: The intersection where leadership meets employee performance (pp. 306-322). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Kaplan, J. B., Rouse, R. A., & Schuttler, R. (2010). Leadership coaching tip- Gut-wrenching decisions: How ethically do you behave in a crisis? Integral Leadership Review, 10(1).

  • Rouse, R. A. (2009). Ineffective participation: Reactions to absentee and incompetent nurse leadership in an intensive care unit. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(4), 463-473. 

  • Bonvicini, K. A., Perlin, M. J., Bylund, C. L., Carroll, G., Rouse, R. A., Goldstein M. G. (2009). Impact of communication training on physician expression of empathy in patient encounters. Patient Education and Counseling, 75(1), 3-10.

  • Rouse, R. A., & Kaplan, J. B. (2008). Why do some hospital leaders ‘speak no evil’ about their medical errors? Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(3), 6-16.

  • Rouse, R. A. (2007). Firing back: How great leaders rebound after career disasters. Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(2), 99-101.

  • Snyder, L. B., & Rouse, R. A. (1995). The media can have more than an impersonal impact: The case of AIDS risk perceptions and behavior. Health Communication, 7, 125-145.

  • Hamilton, M. A., Rouse, R. A., & Rouse, J. (1994). Dentist communication & patient utilization of dental services: Inhibited anxiety and enhanced competence effects. Health Communication, 6, 137-158.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1993). Understanding service marketing:  A theoretical analysis of professional-client exchanges. In W. J. Winston (ed.), Marketing for attorneys and law firms (pp. 111-139), New York, NY: The Haworth Press.

  • Rouse, R. A., & Hamilton, M. A. (1991). Dentists evaluate their patients:  An empirical investigation of preferences. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 14, 637-648.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1991a). A health hierarchy of effects:  A synthesis of advertising and health hierarchy conceptualizations. Health Marketing Quarterly, 9, 43-68.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1991b). Understanding service marketing:  A theoretical analysis of professional-client exchanges. Journal of Professional Service Marketing, 8, 17-43.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1991c). Yellow page advertising: An empirical analysis of attributes contributing to consumer interest, liking, and preference. Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 6, 35-44.

  • Rouse, R. A., & Hamilton, M. A. (1990). Dentists' technical competence, communication and personality as predictors of dental patient anxiety. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 13, 307-319.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1990). Consumer socialization:  A theoretical model of dental utilization. Health Marketing Quarterly, 7, 131-151.

  • Rouse, R. A. (1989). A paradigm of intervention: Emotional communication in dentistry. Health Communication, 4, 239-252.

Conference Presentations

  • Daniels, R., & Knowles, K. A. (2022). Building a habit of mind: An extra-curricular initiative to develop QR outside the classroom. Mathfest. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

  • Daniels, R., & Knowles, K. A. (2022). Medical marijuana: An asynchronous “sniff test” to encourage student use of QR. Joint Mathematics Meetings. Seattle, Washington. 

  • Daniels, R., & Knowles, K. A. (2022). The rest of the story: A novel approach for measuring students’ perceptions of QR’s value. National Numeracy Network. Tampa, Florida

  • Ford, W., Daniels, R., Knowles, K., & Sweet, K. (2022). Enhancing quantitative reasoning skills across business curriculum. Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME) Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.

  • Daniels, R. A. (2020, December 10). Brown bag: Avoiding LinkedIn blunders (Dec 2020)/National CTC [Video]. YouTube.

  • Daniels, R. A. (2020). Avoiding LinkedIn blunders: Preparing students to market their job skills. Session presented at the 2020 League of Innovation Conference in the Community College, Seattle, Washington.

    Miller, L. A., Mian, M. Z., Ehlers, S., Pettingill, M., Daniels, R. A., & Pemble, S. (2018). Misconduct in the firehouse: How to foster cultural change when everyone is watching. Session presented at the 2018 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

  • Rouse, R. A., & Kaplan, J. B. (2015). A ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ approach to teach writing style. Session presented at the 2015 Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

  • Rouse, R. A. (2014, October 18). Customizing evidence-based practices: A comparative analysis of nurse manager leadership and communication in Oman. Keynote address presented at the 7th Annual Dubai Health Authority Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

  • Rouse, R. A., Miller, L. A., Peed, J., & Kircher, B. (2014, May 15). EnterTRAINment: Schoolhouse Rock meets APA. Session presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • Miller, L. A., & Rouse, R. A. (2014, May 16). Employer perceptions, preferences, and hiring practices of military personnel. Poster session presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • Rouse, R. A. (2014, March 1). East meets west: Identifying the root cause of nurse-to-nurse violence. Keynote address presented at the 2nd Annual Dubai Health Authority Conference on Violence in the Healthcare Sector, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

  • Bartel, S., Rouse, R., Sanchez-Stone, J., Connolly, K., & Verrier, C. (2013, September). Evaluation of an online training platform in a clinical setting. Poster session presented at the International Pharmaceutical Federation Annual Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Patton, P., & Rouse, R. A. (2013, July 16). Work smarter not harder! Replacing educational guesswork with evidence-based research. Workshop presented at  the Annual Convention of the Association for Nursing Professional Development, Dallas TX.

  • Patton, P., & Rouse, R. A. (2013, January 30). Working smart in the “new normal”: Eliminating guesswork with an educational needs assessment. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Talent Management Summit in Healthcare, Houston, TX.

  • Rouse, R. A. (2011, November 10). Show me the money: Is it worth it for adult learners to return to school? Paper presented at the meeting of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, Chicago, IL.

  • Rouse, R. A., & Ritter-Williams, D. (2011, October 14). Slaying emotional monsters: Strategies to improve the retention of adult learners. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Continuing Higher Education, Orlando, FL.

  • Rouse, R. A. (2010, October 8). Predicting performance: Best and worst practices during the financial crisis. Paper presented at the meeting of Institute of Business Applied Management, San Diego, CA.

Ruby Daniels

College Of Business

Department of Management and Marketing

Instructional Assistant Professor

Business & Library Building, Room 341.F
View CV

Course Teachings

MKTG 3311 900 Principles of Marketing Spring 2024 Syllabus
MKTG 4361 900 Marketing Management Spring 2024 Syllabus
MKTG 3341 900 Marketing Research Spring 2024 Syllabus
MKTG 3311 602 Principles of Marketing Spring 2024 Syllabus