Megan Wise de Valdez

My current area of research focuses on the urban ecology of mosquitoes, particularly those of medical and veterinary importance.  I am interested in neighborhood predictors of adult mosquito distribution and abundance such as housing conditions, socioeconomic status, proximity to urban centers, and population density.  I also have a strong background in parasitology, specifically the ecological drivers of transmission dynamics and parasite-induced behavioral alterations of hosts. My most recent research pairs these interests: I will be evaluating potential socioeconomic determinates of heartworm prevalence in dogs and their mosquito vectors.

Megan Wise de Valdez

College Of Arts And Sciences

Department of Natural Sciences

Chair of Natural Sciences and Professor of Biology

SciTech 311N
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Course Teachings

BIOL 3401 001 Invertebrate Zoology Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 4304 507 Undergrad Research in Biology Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 5306 200 Thesis Spring 2024 Syllabus