J. Rodolfo Valdez Barillas

Dr. Valdez Barillas is an Associate Professor of Biology at A&M-SA and started as Assistant Professor in Fall of 2011. Prior to joining A&M-SA, Valdez Barillas was a biology adjunct faculty at San Antonio College and North West Vista College. Dr. Valdez Barillas earned a B.S. in Biology in 2000 at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala, where he also obtained a Licenciatura in Biology degree and conducted research on Urban Ecology of Aquatic Invertebrates. He then continued his Masters and Ph.D. in Rangeland Ecology at Colorado State University (CSU). At CSU he studied the ecological interactions of plants and the role plant-related microbes play in the production of the toxic compounds in both the U.S. and Inner Mongolia, China. Between 2008 and 2010 his postdoctoral work, at the CSU Biology department, focused on the ecologcial interactions of plants-microbes-invertebrates, and how these interactions affect the uptake and accumulation of toxic levels of Selenium in plants. Dr. Valdez Barillas has recently established a Field Ecology Laboratory that supports undergraduate and garduate research. He also is involved in pollinator friendly innitatives using native plants at A&M-SA and recently established, with the support of the A&M-SA Biology Program, a vegetable garden and a greenhouse for teaching and research activities. His current research involves collaborative work with TPWD and future projects with AgriLife Researcn. His current projects include: 

  • The ecology of plant-insect-microbes interactions in native vs invasive plants
  • The ecology of plant-vector-microbe interactions that benefit or harm plants in natural systems and agricultural systems
  • The study of aquatic invertebrate community dynamics and extreme weather indicator species in rivers of Texas


J. Rodolfo Valdez Barillas

College Of Arts And Sciences

Department of Natural Sciences

Associate Professor

Main Campus-Sci-Tech Room 311L
View CV

Course Teachings

BIOL 3407 001 Ecology Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 3403 001 Plant Taxonomy Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 3104 508 Research Experience in Biology Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 4104 001 Seminar-Ecology Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 5306 204 Thesis Spring 2024 Syllabus
BIOL 3403 01L Plant Taxonomy Lab Spring 2024 Syllabus