Michael L. Boucher, Jr., Ph.D.

Dr.  Boucher received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University. His research examines the relationships of solidarity developed between successful White teachers and their students of color in de-facto segregated schools. Dr. Boucher studies the interplay between race, power, and curriculum through his varied work exploring the racialization of historical understanding, the impact on White teacher candidates of student teaching experiences abroad, and a cultural studies critique of deficit models in education. Dr. Boucher’s studies have been published in Urban Education, The Urban Review, Action in Teacher Education, and in edited volumes. His methodological work, focusing on empowering individuals and communities as participants in ethnographic education research, has been published in the International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods Across Disciplines, Handbook of Research on Innovative Techniques, Trends, and Analysis for Optimized Research Methods, and his edited volume, Participant Empowerment through Photo Elicitation in Ethnographic Education Research: New Research and Approaches.

Links are available here.

His latest book, More Than an ally: A Caring Solidarity Framework for White Teachers of African American Students articulates the theory of Caring Solidarity as a descriptive and aspirational framework for White teachers.

Michael L. Boucher, Jr., Ph.D.

College Of Education And Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Associate Professor

Main Campus-Madla Room 251
View CV

Course Teachings

EDCI 5306 800 Thesis I MA in C&I Spring 2024 Syllabus
EDCI 5312 800 General Research Methods Spring 2024 Syllabus
EDCI 4311 001 Tching & Pedagogy MS & Sec Tch Spring 2024 Syllabus