Sayantan Das


Surface Science Engineering Lab ( ST 328, Texas A&M University-San Antonio):

    • Experimental work on colloidal synthesis and deposition to create hierarchical nanostructure ( nanoparticles and nanocomposites ) on surfaces for Sensorial Applications (photonics and electrical).
      • In brief:
        • Nanoparticle Synthesis with Functionalization: Sonochemistry, Solgel, Thermal, Mechanical.
        • Chemical, Mechanical, and Thermal Processing of material: pre/during/post-synthesis capabilities.
        • Thin film Deposition within the Environmental Control Chamber: Bottom-up Processes.
        • Material Characterization: Spectroscopy, Microscopy, Goniometer FTIR, DLS, IV/CV. Outsource further characterization(s).
        • Analog and Mixed Signal-based Design and Analysis of Circuits for sensorial feasibility. LabVIEW.

Courtesy: Mirley Balasubramanya, Debra Feakes: for the lab space.   

Other Research Interests:

  • Student Led: Physics and Engineering application-related research.
    • An example of Published Work led by Student: "Nanotechnology mediated bee venom: Applications in rheumatoid arthritis(RA)." 5th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Section ECMC-5, Lydia Smith, and Sayantan Das, August 2019.




  • IEEE Senior Member
  • Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Member of European Colloids and Interface
  • Member of American Chemical Society

Professional Service:

  • Inaugural Program Coordinator  ESET ( Engineering) Program & Physics
  • DEIB Committee Member
  • Faculty Search: Committee Member and Chair
  • Faculty Advisor: IEEE TAMUSA Student Chapter
  • Faculty Mentor: IEEE, RSC, TAMUSA
  • Chair of University Relations, IEEE Region5: Lone Star Section, USA
  • Editorial Committee Member, Particle Characterization Interest Group, Royal Society of Chemistry


  • Senior Member, IEEE|2023
  • US DOE Office of Science, LEDP Grant, $135K, 2022
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, IEEE, TIM, 2022
  • Key Scientific Article Award, 2018


  • As a full-time faculty carried a 5/5,5/4,4/4 load and a 100% load during Summer. Taught courses within Physics and Engineering Programs.


  • PhD, in Material Science Engineering|2015| Texas State University
  • MS in Applied Mathematics|2011| University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • B.Tech in Electrical Engineering|2009| Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology

Sayantan Das

College Of Arts And Sciences

Department of Computational, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Assistant Professor

Science and Technology Building, Room 211T
View CV

Course Teachings

PHYS 2326 001 University Physics II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 2126 01L University Physics Lab II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1302 001 General Physics II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1301 001 General Physics I Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1101 03L General Physics Lab I Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1102 02L General Physics Lab II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1102 03L General Physics Lab II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1101 02L General Physics Lab I Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1101 01L General Physics Lab I Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
PHYS 1102 01L General Physics Lab II Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached