Donovan Fogt

My last name ryhmes with "goat" or "coat" and was originally Vogt. Look up "Vogtland", the area of modern day Germany that my brothers and I plan to recapture someday when we get around to it. I hold a BS in Nutrition and MS in Exercise Science, both from the University of Arizona, and a PhD in Kinesiology (UT Austin). My specialized training is in carbohydrate metabolism, namely in muscle. I have been an exercise physiology/kinesiology/integrative physiology professor at a tiny NY college called SUNY Brockport, Baylor University, UT San Antonio, Galen College of Nursing, and the University of the Incarnate Word's School of Osteopathic Medicine and Department of Biology.

I recently served as a human (research) subject protection scientist for the Dept of Defense, tasked to the Army at Brooke Army Medical Center's Department of Clinical Investigation. Before that I was Medical Science Liaison and Director of Clinical Research at ShurMed EMS LLC, developing their covid vaccination program and was the primary shot giver for a period. Pretty surreal. Before that, I served as Director of the Department of Independent Research at Clinical Trials of Texas, Inc., where, amongst other projects, I was involved in human subjects protections for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. I learn something new every day.

I have 20+ years of experience researching the adaptive responses of skeletal muscle metabolism to altered nutrition and muscle contractile activity including exercise performance and disuse as well as the role of regulatory hormones in these processes. My training in exercise physiology and nutrition allow me to help elucidate factors contributing to the development and progression of hypokinetic (too little movement) diseases. Historically, I've specialized in conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in human and animal subjects. In the last 15+ years, I've developed into an “integrated physiology of exercise” investigator, studying the physiological interplay between tissues and organ systems affecting human performance during exercise, disease, fatigue, environmental factors.

My most recent independent academic research line of inquiry was related to stress biomarkers and remote biomonitoring. My subject populations included, but were not limited to, healthy normal weight, overweight and at-risk adults, PTSD/cancer/elderly/cardiovascular-diseased patients, coaches and athletes from a variety of sports and competitive levels, as well as soldiers and airmen/women of the armed services. I directed the UT San Antonio Exercise Biochemistry and Metabolism Laboratory and co-directed the Integrative Cardiopulmonary and Autonomic Performance Laboratories, which were capable of supporting numerous types of metabolic research including large intervention projects. I maintained a large group of highly trained undergraduate student interns annually (we did not have a PhD program). My research collaborators included experts from UTSA, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio Departments of Radiology, Geriatrics, Nursing, and Cancer Research, San Antonio Military Medical Center – US Army Institute for Surgical Research, US Army Research Laboratories, US Air Force, The University of North Texas, The University of North Texas Health Science Center, and cardiologists Methodist Healthcare System of San Antonio.

I'm happy to discuss any of this stuff further. Basically, I was in college until my 30's with a student loan to prove it and you can't afford me as a personal trainer. I DO help many former students get into jobs or pre-professional schools from medical to fill-in-the-blank. I have about a >90% success rate with applicants that I work with so do well in class and we'll see how far that takes you!

Donovan Fogt

College Of Education And Human Development

Department of Counseling, Health and Kinesiology

Adjunct Faculty
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Course Teachings

EDKN 5333 900 Seminar in Selected Topics Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached
EDKN 4324 600 Exerc in Chronic Disea/Disab Spring 2024 No Syllabus Attached