Jackson Ayres

Jackson Ayres primarily teaches classes in modern and contemporary British literature, but also offers courses in film studies and comics studies. His teaching and research interests include British modernism, the twentieth-century British novel, British literature and culture after 1945, graphic literatures and popular culture. He is the author of the book Alan Moore: A Critical Guide (Bloomsbury, 2021), and his articles and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Literature/Film QuarterlyTwentieth-Century LiteratureJournal of Modern LiteratureModern Fiction Studies, Contemporary LiteratureInks, and The Los Angeles Review of Books, among other venues. He has also contributed essays to the Critical Insights series volumes on Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. Dr. Ayres is currently preparing a book project that focuses on contemporary British fiction, the legacies of George Orwell, and the politics and culture of post-welfare state Britain.

Jackson Ayres

College Of Arts And Sciences

Department of Language, Literature, and Arts

Associate Professor

Main Campus-CAB Room 318A
View CV

Course Teachings

ENGL 3315 001 Introd to Critical Theory Spring 2024 Syllabus
ENGL 3346 600 20th/21st C. Anglophone Lit Spring 2024 Syllabus