Hatice Inan

Hatice Inan

College Of Education And Human Development

Department of Educator and Leadership Preparation

Adjunct Faculty

Madla Building Office 243
No CV Attached



As an experienced educator and researcher with over 25 years of teaching at graduate, undergraduate, and early childhood levels, as well as conducting research at several universities, I have had the privilege of collaborating with colleagues in various countries, including Turkey, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, and the United States and utilizing my leadership and management skills, serving as a coordinator or vice dean of the College of Education. Through my dedication to academic scholarship, I have published 45 peer-reviewed articles (including high-impact factor journals) and 22 books/book chapters and encyclopedia entries, presented at 43 professional meetings, some of which I have been invited to speak on various topics related to education, and advised five masters theses.

My expertise has been recognized through numerous awards and honors, including “College of EHE Career Achievement Award” from The Ohio State University, “Trailblazer Award” Jaguar Awards by Texas A&M University-San Antonio, the "Young Scientist Award" from The Science Academy, multiple "ERASMUS" scholarships, "TUBITAK" awards for my research, and scientific publication awards like the "Top 5 Article: Articles Teachers Should Read!" award from NSTA. My work on the examination of Reggio Emilia initiatives has contributed to the understanding of early childhood education programs, focusing on child development and learning. My passion for teaching and mentoring is evident in the wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses I have taught since 2007, including Foundations of Preschool Education/Curricula, Educational Philosophy, Child Development, Educational Psychology, and Developmental Psychology, STEAM Education in Early Childhood, Art in Reggio Emilia Approach, Infant & Toddler Development, and more. In addition, I have supervised research projects, practicums, and independent studies, contributing to the field of early childhood education through my dedication to teaching and mentoring.

Currently, I am working on three projects: "The Landscape of Early Learning in San Antonio and Bexar County" funded by the City of San Antonio Workforce Division; Campus CARES (Childcare As Resource Enhancing Student-parent Success) funded by Department of Education, Office of Post-Secondary Education C-CAMPIS; Protocol 2021-43 CSA Head Start Child, Family & Program Outcomes." supported by City of San Antonio Head Start and Texas A&M University.

Selected Awards

Year Name of the award

“College of Education and Human Ecology Career Achievement Award” from The Ohio State University, in recognition of outstanding career achievement. 2023, OSU, Columbus, Ohio. Alumni Awards and Hall of Fame | College of Education and Human Ecology (osu.edu)


“Trailblazer Award” Jaguar Awards by Texas A&M University-San Antonio, In recognition of Outstanding Contribution to the University 2022-2023. April 2023, TX.  Student Awards and Recognition - Texas A&M University-San Antonio (tamusa.edu)


Merit Award in Teaching & Service & Scholarship, Texas A&M University-San Antonio in March 2023, TX


Nominated for the NAECTE Foundation- the 2022 Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award. Not awarded.


Academic Incentive Award from Bursa Uludag University in 2021 and Dumlupinar University in 2016


2016 Young Scientist Award” by The Science Academy (BAGEP-2016 Award), Apr 2016


“Reggio Emilia Students and Professors Study Group” scholarship for me and my advisee. Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2015.


ERASMUS Scholarship (European Union Faculty Exchange Program) for Visiting Scholars- Early Childhood Education, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real/Spain, May 2014


ERASMUS Scholarship (European Union Faculty Exchange Program) for Transversal Programs-Study Visit, Berlin/Germany, Mar 2014


Mother and Child Foundation [ACEV] Sponsorship to High-Level Technical Workshop, UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund), Athens/Greece, 2012


9 TUBITAK Research Paper Awards (Turkish National Center of Science and Technology Council, the leading research and funding agency in Turkey) for SSCI and SCI-index Publications (3 awards in 2010; 2 awards in 2011; 2 awards in 2012; 1 award in 2014; 1 award in 2015)


“Understanding Natural Sciences Education in a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool” article is awarded by NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching of the USA)/NSTA (National Science Teaching Association of the USA) Publications Advisory Committee as “Top 5 Articles from JRST 2011 for NSTA: Articles Teachers Should Read!”USA, 2011


YOK (the Council of Higher Education of Turkey) Research Award, Indiana-Purdue University, Indiana/USA, 2011


ERASMUS (European Union Faculty Exchange Program) Scholarship for Transversal Programs-Study Visit, Brussels/Belgium, Mar 2010

2002- 2007

Turkish Ministry of National Education Award of Excellence in Graduate Program,00/4.00 GPA, 2002-2007

2002- 2007

Turkish Ministry of National Education Full Scholarship for Master and Doctorate Programs, 2002- 2007


The Ohio State University [OSU] Office of International Research Scholarship, 2007


Turkish Ministry of Education Conference Travel Award to International AERA Conference, 2007


Equity and Ethics [E&E] Committee of NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching of the USA) Scholarship, 2007


The Ohio State Libraries Certificate of Appreciation, 2006


OSU RAY Conference Travel Award to International ASTE (Association for Science Teacher Education) Conference, 2006


The Ohio State University - College of Education Conference Travel Award to VIII. Guidance & Psychological Congress in Turkey, 2005

1995- 2000

Bogazici University Scholarship, 1995- 2000


Turkish Prime Ministry Scholarship, 1995-2000


Macka Anatolian Journalism High School- High Honor Student (Valedictorian), 1994


Macka Anatolian Journalism High School Scholarship, 1990-1994


Teaching Summary

Year Rank Company/Institute/University

Visiting Associate Professor

Department of Educator & Leadership Preparation, College of Education & Human Development

Texas A&M University, San Antonio

Full Professor, Full-time Faculty Member

Faculty of Education, Early Childhood Education, TURKEY

Bursa Uludag University

Associate Professor, Full-time Faculty Member

Faculty of Education, Early Childhood Education, TURKEY
Bursa Uludag University

Associate Professor, Part-time Faculty Member

Faculty of Educational Sciences, Early Childhood Education, TURKEY

Bahcesehir University

Associate Professor, Full-time Faculty Member

Faculty of Education, Early Childhood Education, TURKEY


Dumlupinar University

Visiting Assoc. Professor

Faculty of Education, Lefkosa, TRNC


Near East University

Visiting Assoc. Professor

Atlanta, USA

Georgia State University

Visiting Assoc. Professor

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Visiting Assist. Professor

Indiana, USA

Indiana-Purdue University

Assistant Professor, Full-time Faculty Member

Faculty of Education, Early Childhood Education, TURKEY

Dumlupinar University





  • Inan, Hatice Zeynep; Jozwiak; Inan; Sarac. (2024). Examining Concept Development Classroom Interaction Quality and Children’s Developmental Progress in State Pre-K/Head Start Programs Using Pre-K CLASS and LAP-3. Acta Psychologica, 245(104201), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104201 [SSCI]

    Hatice Zeynep Inan (2022). Sustainability of early childhood education inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach during the emergency times: A phenomenographic research. International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership [IJLEL], 8(1), 36-48. [ISI]   
  • Aydemir, Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021). The Process of Being a Teacher at a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool: A Phenomenological Study (Reggio Emilia-Ilhamli anaokulunda ögretmen olma süreci: Fenomenolojik bir arastirma). ENAD Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 27, 155-181 [ESCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021). Inclusive education in Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools: A meta-ethnographic study. Early Childhood Research Journal (Erken Çocukluk Arastirmalari Dergisi), 5(1), 5-43. Doi: 10.24130/eccd-jecs.1967202151284
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021). Challenges of Distance/Online and Face-to-Face Education in New Normal: Experiences of Reggio Emilia-inspired Early Childhood Educators in Turkey. Pedagogical Research, 6(1), https://doi.org/10.29333/pr/9304 [ERIC]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021). Understanding the Reggio Emilia-inspired literacy education: A meta-ethnographic study. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI), 13(1) special issue, 68-92. [ERIC]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021). Analyzing and Interpreting Reggio Emilia-Inspired Documentation Works (Reggio Emilia-Ilhamli Dokümantasyon Çalismasinin Incelenmesi Ve Degerlendirilmesi). Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education , 34(1), 263-297. https://doi.org/10.19171/uefad.776019
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020). Restructuring early childhood education during the COVID-19 pandemic (COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde okul öncesi egitimin yeniden yapilandirilmasi). Ministry of National Education Journal, 49 (1) (Special Volume), 831-849. DOI:10.37669/milliegitim.754307
  • Coban, Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2020). Investigation of creativity perceptions of teachers with various variables. Social Sciences EKEV Academia Journal, 83(24), 137-164. Doi: 10.17753/Ekev1600
  • Aydemir, Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020). The experiences of teachers in Reggio Emilia-Inspired preschools: A phenomenological study. Social Sciences EKEV Academia Journal, 83(24), 615-646. Doi: 10.17753/Ekev1557
  • Yarar & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2015). Study on the Validity and Reliability of Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Toll. Turkish Studies -International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic-, 10(15), 821-840.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2015). Women in renewable energy and energy efficiency Companies (Editorial-Opinion paper). Journal of Innovative Energy Policies, 4(2). doi:10.4172/2090-5009.1000e112.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Inan. (2015). 3Hs Education: Examining Hands-On, Heads-on & Hearts-on Early Childhood Science Education. International Journal of Science Education, DOI 10.1080/09500693.2015.1060369 [SSCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Kayir. (2015). Reggio Emilia-inspired Projects Conducted in a Preschool: An Action Research. The Journal of International Social Research, 8(38), 733-747.
  • Isik-Ercan, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Jeffrey Nowak & Beomjin Kim. (2014). “We Put on the Glasses and Moon Comes Closer!” Exploring the potential of 3D visualization in teaching young children astronomy. International Journal of Science Education, 36(1), 129-156. [SSCI]
  • Cicek, S. Aytekin, A. Duysak & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2012). Teaching Children Geometric Shapes through a New Technological Toy: “Computer-Smart Little Mathematicians”. Social and Educational Studies (Energy Education Science & Technology Part B), 4(3), 1425-1432. [SCI-expanded]
  • Alisinanoglu, Hatice Zeynep Inan, S. Ozbey & M. Usak. (2012). Early Childhood Teacher Candidates` Qualifications in Science Teaching. Social and Educational Studies (Energy Education Science & Technology Part B), 4(1), 373-390. [SCI-expanded]
  • Usak, M. Erdogan, Hatice Zeynep Inan, M. Kubiatko & M. Sahin. (2011). Investigation of Prospective Teachers’ Approaches to Learning in Biology and Ecology. The New Education Review, 23(1), 283-294. [SSCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Teaching Science Process Skills in Kindergarten. Social and Educational Studies (Energy Education Science & Technology Part B), 3(1), 47-64. [SCI-expanded]@
  • Dogan-Temur & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Investigation of the Way Kindergarten Teachers Handle Time Concepts. Euroasian Journal of Educational Research [EJER], 11(43), 217-234. [SSCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Increasing Awareness of Pre-service Teachers on Bullying in a Preschool. Indian Journal of Social Work, 71(2), 211-226. [SSCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Examining Pre-School Education Teacher Candidates’ Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice [KUYEB], 10(4), 2275-2323. [SSCI]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). How to Improve the Society-Service Course: Early Childhood Education Teacher Candidates’ Experiences in the Project “Do you want to be a child for one-day?” Educational Journal of Living Theories, 3(2), 212-234. [British Education Index]
  • Dogan-Temur & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Women as a Mother and Her Play Relation with the Child. The Journal of International Social Research [Uluslararasi Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi], 3(13/Special Issue), 86-95.
  • *Hatice Zeynep Inan, Kathy Cabe Trundle & Rebecca Kantor. (2010). Understanding Natural Sciences Education in a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool. Journal of Research in Science Teaching [JRST], 47(10), 1186-1208. [SSCI] *Awarded article by NARST/NSTA Publications Advisory Committee as Top 5 Articles from JRST 2011 for NSTA: Articles Teachers Should Read!USA, 2011
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & O. Dogan-Temur. (2010). Understanding Kindergarten Teachers Perspectives of Teaching Basic Geometric Shapes: a Phenomenographic Research. The International Journal on Mathematics Education [ZDM], 42(5), 457-468.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Examining Language of Information Books for Children. Education, 130(3), 399-403. [ERIC-ISSN 0013-1172]
  • Laurie Katz, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Cynthia Tyson, Adrienne Dixson & Hyun-Young Kang. (2010, Mar). Professional Development for the Early Learning Content Social Studies Standards. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2(2), 261-286.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Literacy Development of a Preschooler: An Exemplary Case. The Journal of International Social Research, 3(11), 365-371.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & O. D. Temur. (2010). Babysitters in Early Childhood: A Research on Parents’ Experiences and Perspectives on Babysitters. Inonu Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 11(2), 1-18.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2010). Problems Faced by Parents of Preschoolers in Kutahya. Milli Egitim Dergisi, 188, 218-229.
  • D. Temur, N. Bayindir, Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). Teachers’ Perspectives On The Reasons For Giving Students Performance Tasks. Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 7(14). 247-258.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, N. Bayindir, & S. Demir. (2010). Parents’ Attitudes and Opinions about Using Webcams in an Early Childhood Education Center. EKEV Academy Journal, 45, 151-162.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, N. Bayindir, O. D. Temur & M. Bartan. (2010). The Problems Experienced By Male Early Childhood Teacher Candidates. EKEV Academy Journal, 43, 165-174.
  • Bayindir, Hatice Zeynep Inan, & S. Demir. (2010). Teacher Candidates’ Perspectives on Criteria to Create a Democratic Atmosphere in the Classroom. Pamukkale Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi [PAUSBED], 5, 89-95.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009). Science Education in Preschool: How to Assimilate the Reggio Emilia Pedagogy in a Turkish Preschool. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching Education, 10(2), Article 14. http://www.ied.edu.hk/apfslt/ [ERIC]
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009). Integrated Disciplines: Understanding the Role of Art in Science Education in a Preschool. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(10), 1375-1380.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009). The Third Dimension in Preschools: Preschool Environments and Classroom Design. European Journal of Educational Studies, 1(1), 55-66.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009). Understanding Features of Amiable Environments That Can Nourish Emergent Literacy Skills Of Preschoolers. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. [ISI], 3(3), 2510-2518.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, N. Bayindir & S. Demir. (2009). Awareness Level of Teachers about the Characteristics of Gifted Children. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 2519-2527.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & N. Bayindir. (2009). Perspectives of Teacher Candidates on Measurement and Evaluation Methods Used to Assess Their Achievement at the University. Research Journal of Social Sciences, 4, 15-20.
  • Bayindir & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009). The Educational Quality of the Technology used in Teacher Training. World Applied Sciences Journal, 6(6), 855-860.
  • Ozel, N. Bayindir, Hatice Zeynep Inan & E. Ozel. (2009). The Effect of Educational Differences on the Level of Job Satisfaction in Police Officers in Turkey. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 11 (3), 358-365.
  • Bayindir & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2008). Theory into Practice: Examination of Teacher Practices in Supporting Childrens Creativity and Creative Thinking. Ozean Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 91-96.
  • Ozel, N. Bayindir, Hatice Zeynep Inan & S. Ungan. (2008). Turkish Secondary School Students Perceptions of Violence and Crime, and the Relationship between Their Perceptions and Demographics. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 3(3), 89-92. (ERIC)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2005). Bullying among children. Marmara Universitesi Ataturk Egitim Fakultesi Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 22, 161-170.



  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Melissa Jozwiak (2021). Multicultural Education in Early Childhood Education Policies (Chp 13, pp.409-435). In Early Childhood Education Policies, H. Ogelman & S. Sarac (Eds). Egiten Kitap Pub, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2021). Emergent Literacy and How to Support Related Skills. In Early Literacy and Early Literacy Skills (Ed. F. Erbay, Chapter 3). Egiten Kitap Pub, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2020). Early childhood in the world from past to present different approaches, programs and models in education. In Preschool Education Programs (Ed. N.Kuru, Chapter 2, pp.25-54). Egiten Kitap Yayinevi, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2016). Helping Children with Problem Behaviors and Their Families, (Chp 7, 181-211). A. Arikan & B. Dinc. Family Education. Anadolu University, Child Development Program. Eskisehir Anadolu University Publications, Eskisehir.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Inan. (2015, translation editors). S. Bredekamp, Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation, Pearson, 2. Publication, 2013. Nobel, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Aydemir. (2015). Creating a Caring Community of Learners: Guiding Young Children (translation into Turkish, Chp 8, pp.236-271). S. Bredekamp, Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education: Building a Foundation, Pearson, 2. pub, 2013). H.Z. Inan & T. Inan (Trans. Eds). Nobel, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, T. Inan, Z. Gunenc-Ozturk. (2014). Creativity in Alternative Education Programs, Approaches and Models. In E. Celebi-Oncu (Ed.), Creativity in ECE (Chp 4, sf. 55-74). Ankara: Hedef Pub.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Inan, T. Aydemir. (2014). Science Process Skills Education in Early Childhood. M. Metin (Ed), Science and Technology in ECE (Chp 4). PegemA Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2013). Social and emotional development of preschoolers (translated, Trans. Ed. Berrin Akman). , Trawick-Smith (Ed.). Development in Early Childhood: From Multicultural Perspectives (5.ed., 2010, Chp. 13, pp. 294-326). Nobel Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2013). Physical and motor development of preschoolers (translated, Trans. Ed. Berrin Akman). , Trawick-Smith (Ed.). Development in Early Childhood: From Multicultural Perspectives (5.ed., 2010, Chp. 10, pp. 196-225). Nobel Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2013). Project-based Practices in Preschool Education, Chp. 5. Arzu Arikan (Ed.). Teaching Techniques II. Eskisehir Anadolu University Pub., Eskisehir.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Isik-Ercan. (2012). Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Education Programs in Turkey, Chp. 7. N.Avci & M.Toran (Ed.), Introduction to Early Childhood Education (pp.145-176). Egiten Kitap Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (Preface by Prof. Sevda Bekman) (2012). Contemporary Approaches In Early Childhood Education: Reggio Emilia Approach and Project Approach. Ani Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Peer Culture Processes Embedded in Natural Sciences Projects of Preschoolers (Chp. 7, pp.143-166). In D. Fernie, S. Madrid, & R. Kantor (Eds.), Educating Toddlers to Teachers: Learning to See and Influence the School and Peer Cultures of Classrooms. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Character Education in Turkish Early Childhood Education Program, Chp. 5. A.Arikan (Ed.). Character Education in Early Childhood Education (pp.95-122). Eskisehir Anadolu University Pub., Eskisehir.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Introduction to Education Theories: Edward L. Thorndike and B. Frederic Skinner). B. Oral (Ed.) Teaching and Learning Theories and Approaches (pp.73-100). PegemA, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2011). Early Childhood Education and the Early Childhood Education Program in Turkey. Fatma Alisinanoglu (Ed) Special Techniques in Preschool Education (pp.1-23). PegemA Pub., Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010). An Exemplary Approach to Creativity in Early Childhood Education: Reggio Emilia. E.C.Oncu (Ed.) Creativity in Early Childhood and Creativity Education. (pp.159-175). PegemA, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan et al. (2008). Changing Paradigms and Teacher Practicum in Schools. Gunduz Yayincilik, Ankara.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Laurie Katz. (2007). Environmental Assessments in Early Childhood Education. In R.S. New, M. Cochran, & J.K. Krablin (Eds.), Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 340-344). Greenwood Publishing Group: Westport, CT: Praeger.
  • Laurie Katz & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2007). Classroom Environments. In R.S. New, M. Cochran, & J.K. Krablin (Eds.), Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia (Vol.1, pp. 140-145). Greenwood Publishing Group: Westport, CT: Praeger.


  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Melissa Jozwiak, Yavuz Selim Inan, & Seda Sarac. (2024, accepted). Effects of Educational Quality on Child Development in Pre-K/Head Start Programs. WELS Online Conference 2024: WELSfocus, September 4, 2024, Inclusion in School and Education, Austria. WELSfocus Inclusion 2024 - WELS (edulead.net)

    Hatice Zeynep Inan, Melissa Jozwiak, Yavuz Selim Inan, & Seda Sarac. (2024, March). Concept Development and Quality: An Examination of Data Visualization of LAP-3 and CLASS Data. Texas Early Childhood Summit & Texas Play and Development Conference, Bryan, Texas, March 22-23, 2024. (Oral presentation)


    Catherine O’Brien, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Socorro Garcia-Alvarado. (2023, Nov). SHARE: Student’s Hundred Languages Abroad Real-life Experiences. The National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators 2023 Fall Conference in Nashville, TN. (Poster presentation)
  • Melissa Jozwiak, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Yavuz Selim Inan & Seda Sarac (2023, Nov). A Comparative Analysis of Concept Development Using Pre-K CLASS and LAP-3. The National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators 2023 Fall Conference in Nashville, TN. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2023, May). The Reggio Emilia Approach from A to Z: Known and Unknown (Adan Zye Reggio Emilia Yaklasimi: Bilinen ve Bilinmeyenler), Turkey, Alternative Schools Conferences for the Benefit of Earthquake Victims in Turkey (Invited Presentation, 2&half hours).
  • Catherine O’Brien, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Socorro Garcia-Alvarado. (June/May, 2023). Using Clay, Drama, and Storytelling to Strengthen Family Bonds: Practical Insights from "Building Bonds with Families through Art & 5 Family Culture Stories" Research. IPA Glasgow Play Conference 2023, UK (Workshop- 40 minutes).
  • Melissa Jozwiak & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2023, March). Exploring Process Art: Nurturing Childrens Inquiry, Interests, and Skills. The Annual 2023 San Antonio Chapter of TXAEYC Conference, USA (Workshop- 90 minutes).
  • Catherine O’Brien, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Socorro Garcia-Alvarado. (2023). Creating Connections: Using Clay and Drama in the form of Storytelling. USA IPA Play Conference 2023, (Classroom Workshop- 90 minutes).
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Socorro Garcia-Alvarado, Catherine O’Brien (2022, Nov). Building Bonds with Families through Art and 5 Family Culture Stories. NAEYC/NAECTE Annual Conference, Washington DC, https://www.naeyc.org/events/annual (Poster Presentation).  
  • Catherine O’Brien, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Socorro Garcia-Alvarado. (2022, Oct). Creating Connections: Using Clay and Drama in the form of Storytelling. USA IPA Play Conference, the American Association for Promoting the Child’s Right to Play-IPAUSA comes together for the Right to Play…RIGHT NOW!” San Antonio, TX, https://ipausa.org/2022-annual-conference/call-for-presentations/? (Classroom Workshop- 90 minutes)
  • Socorro Garcia-Alvarado, Hatice Zeynep Inan, Elizabeth Rendon. (2022, June). Understanding Family Diversity through Creating a Clay/Drama-based Projects. NAECTE 2022 Virtual Summer Conference “Playfulness ‘wonder’ and Self-care: Pathways to Preserving Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education.” 2022 NAECTE Summer Conference Website - Session 2 (google.com) (Oral Presentation & Session Host)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2022, May). Invited Speaker on the topic of "The Reggio Emilia Approach." The panel "Vocational Tendencies in Early Childhood Care and Education (Erken Çocukluk Bakim ve Egitiminde Mesleki Yönelimler)" Reconstruction of Vocational Schools in the Digital Era Symposium 10-13 May 2022; https://myosempozyumu.fsm.edu.tr/Dijital-Cagda-Meslek-Yuksekokullarinin-Yeniden-Yapilandirilmasi-Sempozyum-Programi--Paneller (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021, Dec). Invited Speaker on the topic of "Science Process Skills in Reggio Emilia Schools.” Online Panel “Provocation and Exemplary Practices.” Alternative Schools, Dec 4th. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021, Nov). Making Teaching and Learning Visible Through Documentation as One of the Fundamental Principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach. TAMUSA & Voices ECT Collaboration Meeting, TX, San Antonio, Nov 20. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2021, Feb). Examining Preschool Education in Turkey during Covid-19 Pandemic. WELS-World Education Leadership Symposium: COVID-19 Educational Research (CovER)- Crisis in Society and Impact on Education around the World, Online Conference. https://wels.edulead.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WELSfocus2021-Covid-Programe-2021-02-01.pdf (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, Oct). The Values Included in the Preschool Education Program and the Methods and Techniques That Can Be Used in Values Education (Okul Öncesi Egitim Programinda Yer Alan Degerler ve Çocuklara Bu Degerlerin Kazandirilmasinda Kullanilabilecek Yöntem ve Teknikler). Uluslararasi Erken Çocukluk Dönemi Din-Ahlak-Degerler Egitimi Ve Sorunlari Sempozyumu, Balikesir/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, Oct). An Exemplary Spritual Education in Early Childhood: Waldorf Education (Erken Çocuklukta Örnek Bir Ruh Egitimi: Waldorf Egitimi). Uluslararasi Erken Çocukluk Dönemi Din-Ahlak-Degerler Egitimi Ve Sorunlari Sempozyumu. Balikesir/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, June). Comparative Analysis Of The Project Approach And The Traditional Education Model In Early Childhood (Erken çocukluk döneminde proje yaklasimi ile Geleneksel egitim modeli’nin karsilastirmali analizi). International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences-IV, Bakü/AZERBAIJAN. (Oral Presentation & Session Chair)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, June). Comparative Analysis of Preschool Alternative Education Systems: Reggio Emilia, High / Scope and Waldorf (Okul Öncesi Alternatif Egitim Sistemlerinin Karsilastirmali Analizi: Reggio Emilia, High/Scope ve Waldorf). International Congress of Pedagogical Research. Düzce/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, June). Reggio Emilia Approach in Early Childhood Education Promoting 21st Century Skills ( Yüzyil Becerilerini Destekleyen bir Erken Çocukluk Egitim Yaklasimi: Reggio Emilia). International Conference on Interdisciplinary Educational Reflections (ICIER), Nicosia/KKTC. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2020, June).An Exclusive Example for Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: Reggio Emilia (Okul Öncesi Kaynastirma Egitiminde Reggio Emilia Yaklasimi Örnegi). 5. Ulusal Disiplinerarasi Erken Çocuklukta Müdahale Kongresi (UDEMKO2020), Gaziantep/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan (2019, Apr). Sensory Rich Environments in Preschool Education 1. National Sensory Integration Congress with International Contribution (https://www.en.udbk2019.org/), 12-13 Apr 2019, Istanbul/Turkey. (Invited speaker)
  • Ç. Çoban, Hatice Zeynep Inan (2016, Sep). Examining Creativity Levels of Preschool Teachers (Okul Öncesi Ögretmenlerinin Yaraticilik Düzeylerinin Incelenmesi). Uluslararasi Çagdas Egitim Arastirmalari Kongresi (ceadder.org), Sep 2016, Mugla, Turkey. (Oral Presentation) http://ceadder.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/UCEAK_Bildiri-O%CC%88zetleri-Kitab%C4%B1_2016.pdf
  • Inan & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2016, May). Examining Awareness Level of Parents on TV Watching Habits Of Their Children. I. International Symposium on Animation, 4-6 May 2016, Kutahya/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2015, Oct). Evaluating Contents of TV Programs and Cartoons for Young Children. TRT Television, 4th International Children’s Media Conference, 23-24 Oct 2015, Istanbul/Turkey. (Invited speaker) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m9JUy4HefE
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Yarar. (2014, Sep). Adaptation of Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation (CHELLO) into Turkish Context and Reliability and Validity Studies. International Preschool Education Congress: Multidisciplinary Theoretical and Practical Experiences, 25-27 Sep, 2014. Istanbul/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & G. Kayir. (2014, Sep). Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach and Created Project Works: Case Study in a Preschool. International Preschool Education Congress: Multidisciplinary Theoretical and Practical Experiences, 25-27 Sep, 2014. Istanbul/Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & Inan. (2014, July). A Qualitative Study to Understand Hands-Heads-Hearts-on Science Education in Early Childhood Education Centers, the Learner: 21st International Conference on Learning 14-17 July 2014. New York City, USA. (Oral Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2014, Feb). Panel presentation: Reggio Emilia Approach: A Contemporary Approach to Early Childhood Education, “Alternative Teaching and Learning Models, Approaches and Techniques” Education Symposium (30 Jan-1 Feb). Turkey Private School Cooperation, Antalya, TURKEY. (Oral Presentation and Panelist) http://www.vitaminogretmen.com/videolar/video-detay/1174/TOOB-13.-Geleneksel-Egitim-Sempozyumu-4.-Panel
  • Isik-Ercan, Hatice Zeynep Inan & Jeffrey Nowak. (2012, Apr.). Urban Second Graders Learning about Sun, Earth and Moon through 3D Visualization. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA. (Oral Presentation).
  • Unal & Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2010, Feb). Students’ perceptions of a situated learning environment. World Conference on Educational Sciences [WCES], Istanbul. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 2171-2175. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2009, Sep.). Teacher Candidates’ Experiences in the Society Service Course: Examining the Project “Do You Want to be a child for One Day?” in: Poticanje stvaralaštva u odgoju i obrazovanju, Knjiga radova – Prirucnik za sadašnje i buduce uciteljice i ucitelje/ Encouraging creativity in education, Collection of papers – a Handbook for Current and Future Teachers, Profil, ZAGREB, pp.51-60. (Published in the Conference Proceedings of the "Creative Approach to Teacher Education" International Conference, indexed by Scirus).
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & N. Bayindir, & S. Demir (2009, Mar). Understanding Characteristics of Hard-working Students and Gifted Students. II. National Gifted Children Congress. Eskisehir, Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
  • David Fernie, Rebecca Kantor-Martin, Samara Madrid, Jeanne Galbraith, Chiharu H. Uchida, Hatice Zeynep Inan & Julie Eirich-Parker. (2008, June). A Symposium Session: Weaving a tapestry of classroom life together: Critiquing a peer culture-school culture heuristic. The 16th international Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education [RECE] 2008 Conference: Weaving with and across Paradigms and Traditions, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA.
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Kathy Cabe Trundle & Rebecca Kantor. (2008, Jan). Quality Environment and Quality Science Education in a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool. The Association for Science Teachers Education (ASTE) 2008 International Conference, Louis, Missouri, USA. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Kathy C. Trundle, & Rebecca Kantor (2007, Apr). The Intersection of Effective Teaching/Learning Strategies in Natural Sciences Education and Early Childhood Education Approaches: Reggio Emilia and Its Reflections in an American Laboratory Preschool. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, USA. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Kathy C. Trundle, & Rebecca Kantor. (2007, Apr). An Exemplary Approach to Natural Sciences Education in Preschool: Reggio Emilia. National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Conference, New Orleans, USA. (Paper Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan, Kathy C. Trundle, & Rebecca Kantor. (2007, Jan). Exploring Natural Sciences Education within a Reggio Emilia-Inspired Preschool Context. The Association for Science Teachers Education (ASTE) 2007 International Conference, Clearwater, Florida, USA. (Paper Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2006, Apr). You cannot play with us! Bullying and Exclusion of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Classrooms. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion and Disability Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2005, Sep). Bullying among Children. National Guidance and Psychological Counseling Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2005, Apr). Designing a Learning Environment for Preschoolers with Disabilities. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion and Disability Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (Oral Presentation with Abstract)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2005, Apr). A Fair Chance: Discussion of Different Curricula and Inclusion of Young Children with Special Needs in General Classrooms. ADA Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion and Disability Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2004, Nov). Play and Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood Education. 2nd International Quality in Early Childhood & Primary Education Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation with Abstract)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2004, Nov). Education in a Safe Environment: A New School-Wide Bullying Intervention Model. 2nd International Quality in Early Childhood & Primary Education Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation with Abstract)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan & A. Uzunhasanoglu (2004, Dec). Development of Teacher Attitudes and Expectation Scale (Ögretmen Tutumlari/ Beklentileri Anketi, 648-655). T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, Orta Ögretimde Yeniden Yapilanma Sempozyumu, Ankara/Turkey. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)
  • Hatice Zeynep Inan. (2004, Dec). Creating Bullying Safe Schools: From preschool to High School (A’dan Z’ye Güvenli Bir Okul: Anasinifindan Orta Ögretime, Çocuklar Arasi Siddete Karsi Bir Model Tasarimi, 656-662). T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, Orta Ögretimde Yeniden Yapilanma Sempozyumu, Ankara/Turkey. (Oral Presentation with Full Paper)

Course Teachings

EDEC 5315 600 Advocacy Spring 2025 Syllabus
EDEC 5330 800 Assessment Pract-Early Child Spring 2025 Syllabus
EDEC 3331 600 Infant & Toddler Development Spring 2025 Syllabus
EDEC 3328 600 Fndtns of Early Childhood Dev Spring 2025 Syllabus