Henrietta Munoz





Dr. Henrietta Munoz is the Chief Executive Officer of the Texas A&M University San Antonio Institute for School and Community Partnerships. Dr. Munoz oversees teh Senate Bill 1882 in-district school charter partnerships and related school partnerships. The Institutes mission is to design an equitable and robust school pathway for students in the South and Westside of San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Munoz has over 24 years of nonprofit experience and 16 years of school-community partnership experience within the west and east sides of San Antonio. 

Previously, Dr. Munoz served as the Senior Vice President for Research and Evaluation (2018-2020) at the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County with oversight of all data collections, analysis, research and evaluations fo the United Way and many private and public funded grants. While at United Way, Munoz was also part of the design and played the organizational backbone role of a two-generational initiative on San Antonios Eastside beginning in 2012. The Dual Generation Initiative, with support from Annie E. Casey Foundation and Doris Duke Charitable Foundation establised solid partnerships for the Eastside of San Antonio for over 5,000 families along with developing evidence for furture funding. In 2012, she became the first director for the Eastside Promise Neighborhood, a $23.7 mIllion dollar US Department of Education award for the Eastside of San Antonio, where a feeder pattern approach to campus cultural change was implemented withing San Antonio ISD. 

Munoz is a proud Annie E. Casey Foundation Children and Families Fellow, and part of a Community Advisory cohort for he Dallas Federal Reserve. She sits on mutiple nonprofit boards and various community committees and has been awarded several accolades, including the A&M University Chancellors Academy of Teacher Educators Team Award January 2022.

Munoz received her PhD from the University of Texas at San Antonio in Culture, Literacy and Language in 2009, where she also served as as Adjunct Faculty until 2013. Dr. Munoz today serves as Adjunct Faculty for A&M University San Antonio in the Educator Leadership Program. 


Awards & Appointments

 2019 Annie E. Casey Foundations Results Count Advance Practitioners Institute
 2018 Annie E. Casey Foundation Results Count Practitioners Institute
 2017 Saluate to Outstanding Women in Action, La Presna Foundation
 2015 Community Leaders Forum Cohort 4, Federal Reserve of Dallas
 2013 Community Indicators Consortiums Emerging Leaders
 2010 Annie E. Caseys Children and Family Fellowship 2010-2011 Class 8 Fellow

Teaching Summary

Year Rank Company/Institute/University
2006-Present Associate Professor Some University
2004-2006 Lecturer Brac University
2003-2004 Senior System Administrator Axle Technologies


Classes Observing

Course Code Course Name
CSE-121 Structured Programming
CSE-221 Algorithms
CSE-305 Theory of Computation
CSE-405 Network Security
CSE-439 Digital Image Processing



Topic Info
How Bubble Sort Works Bubble sort. Bubble sort, sometimes referred to as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list to be sorted, compares each pair.
Find out more on: PDF YouTube SlideShare
Greedy Method A greedy algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that follows the problem solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum.
Find out more on: PDF YouTube SlideShare
EDI Security Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a major innovation in the practical use of computing. It is already being used extensively in some segments of the retailing
Find out more on: PDF YouTube SlideShare



  • Jane Doe,"Inserting Item to a Sorted List",USTC Teachers Annual (USTA - 2002),8(1),2002
  • Jane Doe, Cross application of Round Robin Scheduling and Shortest Job First Serve in CPU Scheduling to improve preemptive scheduling, Accepted for publication at Kabi Nazrul University Journal - 2011
  • Jane Doe, UB Operator precedence parsing algorithm, Accepted for Computer Science & Engineering R esearch Journal (CSERJ) in Vol. 7 (2011) (ISSN: 1990-4010) of Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET)


Henrietta Munoz

College Of Education And Human Development

Institute of School & Community Partnerships

Chief Executive Officer

Madla 350
210 784-2413
No CV Attached

Course Teachings

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