Katherine Gillen

Katherine Gillen is Professor of English at Texas A&M University–San Antonio and Chair of the Department of Language, Literature, and Arts. She is the author of Chaste Value: Economic Crisis, Female Chastity, and the Production of Social Difference on Shakespeare’s Stage (Edinburgh University Press, 2017), and several essays on race, gender, and economics in early modern drama and on Shakespeare appropriation. She is working on a monograph on Shakespeare’s racial classicism and co-ediing a collection on tradaptation. With Kathryn Vomero Santos and Adrianna M. Santos, she co-founded the Borderlands Shakepeare Colectiva, whose work has been funded by the Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Texas, and the Folger Shakespeare Library. As part of this work, they are editing The Bard in the Borderlands: An Anthology of Shakespeare Appropriation en La Frontera (ACMRS Press).


Katherine Gillen

College Of Arts And Sciences

Department of Language, Literature, and Arts


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